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Form 2 First Term Exam Review 22-23

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Five Guys is ___________ more expensive than Shake Shack.
It is ___________ hot in here. I fee like I'm going to melt. It must be 35 degrees.
My brother has lived in Wan Chai ________ five years.
I ________ had breakfast at 11:30 am so it's too soon for lunch.
The past participle of wear is _______.
________ you __________ (watch) the new Marvel movie ______?
Have, watched, yet
It's important to stand straight with proper ____________ when staning for the flag raising.
Thailand and Japan are popular _________________ for people living in Hong Kong. a) holiday b) holiday destination c) holiday destinations
holiday destinations
Hotels and inns are types of _______________.
Since the pandemic started, many of us have been ______________ our screens.
glued to
It's important to chew your food and not ___________ it up too fast.
We get the m___________ iron from red meat and calcium from dairy.
We get ______________ C from oranges and ________ D from the sun.
Cheesecake and red meat are ____________ in fat and calories.
rich in
We get ___________ from meat, nuts, beans and eggs. It helps us grow and repair cells.
One chocolate bar has about 250 ____________. a) calorie b)caloried c) calories
It's important to have a _______________ to have a healthy life.
balanced diet
Someone who sits in front of the television a lot and doesn't exercise is called a _____________.
couch potato
If you follow the _________________ you will have a healthy diet.
food pyramid
Glass and plastice bottles can be ______________ and made into new products.
When a person's personal informaiton is made public a hacker, it's called __________.
Instagram and Whatsapp are two popular ___________________ apps.
social media
It's better for the _____________ if we buy used items and shop less often.
When we throw away unwanted items, they often go to the _____________.
If you buy an item that has been used, it's called a ______________ item.