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Defining Common Nouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a boat?
A boat is used to travel in water.
What is a ladder?
A ladder is a tool you use to climb higher.
What is a crayon?
A crayon is a school supply you use to color.
What is a desk?
A desk is furniture you use to do work on.
What is a table?
A table is furniture you use to work on.
What is a bike?
A bike is transportation you use to travel short distances.
What is a mop?
A mop is a cleaning supply you use to clean floors.
What are scissors?
Scissors are a school supply you use to cut paper.
What are mittens?
Mittens are clothing you use to keep your hands warm and dry.
What is a couch?
A couch is a piece of furniture you use to sit on.
What is a notebook?
A notebooks is a book of paper you use to write in.
What is a refrigerator?
A refrigerator is an appliance you use to keep food cold.
What is an eraser?
An eraser is a school supply you use to erase mistakes.
What is a broom?
A broom is a cleaning supply you use to sweep floors.
What is a bed?
A bed is furniture you use to sleep on.
What is a pen?
A pen is a school supply you use to write on paper.
What is a hammer?
A hammer is a tool you use to hammer nails.