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The five people you meet in heaven

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What lesson did the Captain have to gave to Eddie about his life?
Sacrifice is a part of life
How did the Captain die?
He stepped on a landmine
When Eddie and the Captain had been captured in the Philippines, where were they sent as prisoners of war?
They were sent to a coal mine in the Philippines where the conditions were horrendous and they were treated like slaves.
The second person that Eddie meets is "The Captain", his commander during the Second World War. Where was he located when Eddie came to him?
The Captain was in a tree smoking a cigarette and complaining that with all the injections he had received before going to war still he ended up dead
The Blue Man is the first person that Eddie meets after he dies. What was the Blue Man's real name?
Joseph Corvelzchik
Who tells Eddie there are no random acts and everyone is connected?
The Blue Man
Which character provides the tenderness in Eddie's childhood?
His mother
Who fulfills his vow to leave no one behind?
The Captain
Which character blames the war and his father for failure to achieve his goals?
Which character makes three times Eddie's salary?
The Blue Man claims that Eddie ________, but Eddie does not believe him at first.
killed him
When he arrives in Heaven, what does Eddie notice is missing?
His pain
How does Eddie die?
He's injured by a falling ride at Ruby Pier
What is the first thing Eddie sees after his death?
The sky changing color
Eddie's first birthday flashback takes place when...
he was a newborn
What does Eddie give Dominguez on the day of his [Eddie's] death?
Money for his vacation
What do kids at Ruby Pier call Eddie?
The ride man
Whom does young Eddie save from bullies?
What is the name of the ride that eventually kills Eddie?
Freddy's Free Fall
Where does Eddie spend the last hour of his life?
Ruby Pier
What is Eddie's de facto last name in the novel?