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Apologia Marine Biology module 6

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What is anadromous behavior?
A life cycle in which the creatures are hatched in fresh water and migrate to salt water when adults and return to fresh water to reproduce
What are myomeres?
Bands of muscle along the side of fishes that is used for locomotion.
What are dental plates, what fish has them and why?
They are hard calcified plates in the mouth. Rays have them instead of teeth, they suction their food into their mouth and crush the hard shells with them
What do gill rakers do?
In filter feeding fish they catch the plankton the fish eats, in other fish they prevent bits of food from getting in the gills.
What is Hermaphroditism?
a situation in which an animal has the reproduction organs of both sexes. This does not necessarily imply asexual reproduction
Explain the difference between 1.oviparous, 2.ovoviviparous, 3.viviporous.
1.Eggs are hatched outside the body 2.Eggs hatched inside the females body,live birth3.Young obtain their nutrition directly from the mother, live birth
Which lobe of the brain is oversized in a fish?
Olfactory lobe (smelling)
name the four types of coloration in fishes and what they are used for.
Will a bony fish sink if it stops swimming?
No, it can adjust the gas in its swim bladder to be able to float at any level.
Why do bony fish have an Operculum?
it closes while water is let into the gills through the mouth, preventing back flow, ensuring the counter current system of the gills
Name three ways boney fish are different that cartilaginous fish.
1.Swim bladder, 2.terminal mouth, 3.bones, 4.larger scales (cycloid), 5.fins are boney spines covered in a membrane, operculum
What are chromatophores?
suface pigment cells that expand and contract to create various colors
name the sensory organs in a cartilaginous fish and what they sense. (4)
1. Eyes-light, 2.nostrils –smells, 3.lateral line- vibrations in the water, 4 ampulla of Lorenzinii – small electrical currents.
How are rays and skates reproduction different?
Skates lay eggs,(oviparous) rays have live young (viviparous)
What do fish in the Agnatha class, lack? Can you name 4 structures?
Jaws, also called Jawless fish Also paired fins, scales and true bones
What characteristics do Rays have in common?
The are flat,(camouflage, easy movement across the bottom) their mouths are on their ventral side (convenient feeding), eyes are on their dorsal side.
What are denticles?
placoid scales made from the same material as teeth, and are covered with enamel.
Describe the counter current blow flow system and why is it beneficial?
blood in the gills flows in the opposite direction to that of the oxygenated water. It allows for diffusion over a long area
Describe Catadromous behavior
fishes that migrate from freshwater to reproduce in the ocean.
What is the opercula?
in boney fish a protective covering for the gills, it helps control water flow over the gills
What does demersal mean?
Fishes that live on the bottom of the ocean
What is migration?
the regular movement of an organism from one location to another.