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Reading Comprehension: Sentence level
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The boy is at the playground...... Where is the boy?
At the playground
The girl is crying........ How does she feel?
The boy is eating pizza....... What is he eating?
The girl is wearing a dress........ What is she wearing?
A dress.
The boy has black hair. . .... What color is his hair?
The girl is drinking juice....... What is the girl drinking?
The pig is swimming..... What is the pig doing?
The kangaroo is jumping...... What is the kangaroo doing?
Mom is at the grocery store. Where is mom?
At the grocery store.
The dog is hungry. Who is hungry?
The dog.
Dennis is absent from school. Who is absent?
The boy is laughing...... what is he doing?
The girl is happy..... How does she feel?
The girl is sad. . How does the girl feel?
The mom holds the baby. What is the mom holding?
A baby
The boy is running..... What is he doing?
He is running.
The girl has pink hair. What color is her hair?
The girl is eating....... What is she doing?
She is eating.
The boy is walking.... What is he doing?
He is walking.