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Is Miss Drake doing cartwheels across the gym an example of potential or kinetic energy?
Kinetic Energy
Is Mr. Jewell standing still and waiting for students to stop talking an example of potential or kinetic energy?
Potential Energy
Is a bicyclist pedaling up a hill an example of kinetic or potential energy?
Kinetic Energy
Is walking down the street an example of potential or kinetic energy?
Kinetic Energy
Is a baseball being thrown to second base an example of kinetic or potential energy?
Kinetic Energy
Use Increases & decreases to complete the sentence: ​As the mass of the train (______), the expected kinetic energy of the train in proportion to the change of mass (_____).
​As the mass of the train (increases), the expected kinetic energy of the train in proportion to the change of mass (increases.)
Is the chemical bonds in sugar and example of kinetic or potential energy?
Potential Energy
Is the wind blowing through your hair an example of kinetic or potential energy?
Kinetic Energy
Describe why the second hill of a roller coaster ride is lower than the first hill of a roller coaster ride?
​If the second hill wasn't lower than the first hill, the roller coaster train would not be able to make it up the second hill because it would not have enough
A bowling ball, baseball, golf ball, and ping pong ball are all rolling down a bowling lane at the same speed. Which one has the most kinetic energy?
The Bowling Ball
An archer loads an arrow into his bow, pulls back the string and shoots at a target. When does the arrow have the most elastic potential energy?
When the bow pulled back as far as it will go.
Which of the following forms of energy can be classified as KINETIC ENERGY? HINT: There are 4! Elastic Potential Energy, Electrical Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy, Nuclear Energy, Radiant (Light) Energy, Sound Energy, Thermal (He
Electrical Energy, Radiant (Light) Energy, Sound Energy, Thermal (Heat) Energy
Which of the following forms of energy can be classified as POTENTIAL ENERGY? Chemical, Elastic Potential, Electrical Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy, Nuclear Energy, Radiant (Light) Energy, Thermal (Heat) Energy
Chemical Energy, Elastic Potential Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy, Nuclear Energy
At which point is there the most potential energy?(_____) At which point is there the most kinetic energy? (_____)
At which point is there the most potential energy? (A) At which point is there the most kinetic energy? (B)
When does a rubber band, which has been shot at a wall, have the most potential energy?
It has the most potential energy when it is stretched as far as it can be.
If a girl holds a ball at waist level and then lifts the ball above her head and holds it there, what is she doing to its potential energy?
She is increasing the ball's potential energy.
Is a volleyball player spiking a ball an example of kinetic or potential energy?
Kinetic Energy
Is sitting in the top of a tree an example of kinetic or potential energy?
Potential Energy
Energy that is moving is (_____), and energy that is stored is (_____).
Energy that is moving is (KINETIC), and energy that is stored is (POTENTIAL).