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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Be careful when you leave the bus. (OFF) Be careful when you ............ the bus.
get off
My sister doesn't like watching sports programs on TV. (KEEN) My sister ............. watching sports programs on TV.
isn't keen on
Young children love watching animated films. (POPULAR) Animated films ................. young children
are popular among
Our English and German teachers are husband and wife. (MARRIED) Our English teacher .................. our German teacher.
is married to
Did they give you a map of the city? (PROVIDE) Did they ................. a map of the city?
provide you with
Would you like to watch TV? (FEEL) Do you .................. TV?
feel like watching
I am not interested in what you are thinking. (CARE) I .................... what you are thinking.
don't care about
I like to watch the planes leave the ground. (OFF) I like to watch ..................... .
the planes take off
I played hockey all day when I was young. (USED) I ................... hockey all day when I was young.
used to play
Nobody can do all that work in a single day. (CAPABLE) Nobody ................. all that work in a single day.
is capable of doing
After the play, they introduced us to the actors. (WE) After the play, .................. to the actors.
we were introduced
We will drive to Southampton this weekend. (CAR) We will .................. this weekend.
go to Southampton by car
I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. (FUN) I ................. your birthday party.
had fun at
I hope you find a solution to the problem. (SUCCEED) I hope you ................... a solution to the problem.
succeed in finding
The beach is close to the hotel so we can walk there. (FOOT) The beach is close to the hotel so we can ..............
go on foot
My boyfriend really likes football and never misses a match. (CRAZY) My boyfriend ............... football and never misses a match.
is crazy about