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What do you do at Xmas?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you put on the top of the Christmas tree?
I put a star
What do you wear on your head at Christmas?
I wear a Christmas hat
I ...... you a Merry Christmas
Who do you give presents at Christmas?
My family and friends
What do you get from Santa Claus at Christmas?
I get a present / gift
At Christmas, where do you hang a wreath?
On the door
It's sweet. It's red and white. Children like to eat it at Christmas. What is this?
Candy cane
What do you do at Christmas?
I make cookies
Where do you hang a stocking on?
On the fireplace
What do you do at Christmas?
Write a letter
I ....... a candle (thắp sáng)
What do they do at Christmas?
Snowball fight
Santa Claus ride a ..........
At Christmas, who do you write a letter for?
Santa Claus
What do you do at Christmas?
I wrap presents
What do you like to do at Christmas?
Catch snowflakes
What do you build at Christmas?
I build a snowman
What animal is this?
A reindeer
What do you do at Christmas?
I drink hot chocolate
What do you hang on the door?
I hang a wreath on the door
What do you eat at Christmas?
I eat gingerbread man
What do you do at Christmas?
I decorate a Christmas tree
Who gives you gifts at Christmas?
Santa Claus
What does Mary have at Christmas?
Mary / She has a present
What do you do at Christmas?
I hang stockings