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Friday I'm in Love!
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Past simple of : Think
Past simple of : Say
Past simple of : Make
Past simple of : Do
Past simple of "Have"
In a story, what is the "Plot"
The story itself
In a story, what are the "Characters"
In a story, what is the "Setting"
The place where the story happens
Spanish meaning of: Study
Estudio o estudiar
Spanish meaning of: Moment
Spanish meaning of: Ability
Spanish meaning of: Detail
Spanish meaning of: Illness
Spanish meaning of: Seat
Spanish meaning of: Memory
Memoria o Recuerdo
Spanish meaning of: Brain
Say at least 10 members of the family
Mom, dad, uncle, aunt, daughter, son, cousin, husband, wife, mother in law, father in law, sister in law, etc
Past tense of "Argue"
Describe your ideal type.
What do you do when you feel brokenhearted?
Where did you first meet your partner (if you have one)?
What is the most important thing: To love somebody or be loved by somebody?
What's your favourite love song?
Describe your ideal date
Where would you go on a first date?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
❀Do you think network dating is a good way to meet people?
Answers may vary
❀Do you know any couples who met on the internet?
Answers may vary
❀Do you have a boyfriend or girldfriend/husband/ wife❀❀ How did you meet him/her?
Answers May Vary
Is online dating popular in your country? Why/why not?
Answers may vary
❀How old is Bernadette?
26 years old.
❀What did they do on their first date ?
They had a coffee together
❀Where did Bernadette meet her boyfriend?
On Tinder
❀Do they live together?
Yes, they do.
❀How long have they been together?
1 year and a half
❀How long have they been together?
6 months
❀How old is Mary?
She's 21 years old.
❀Did Mary and her boyfriend study in the same school?
Yes, they did.
❀Where was Mary living when she met her boyfriend?
In Ireland
❀ When was the last time you had a day out?
Answers may vary
❀ How did you celebrate your last brithday?
Answers may vary
❀ What did you do yesterday?
Answers may vary
❀ Make a sentence with in past tense Verb "Want"
Answers may vary
❀ Make a sentence with in past tense Verb "Go out"
Answers may vary
❀ Make a sentence with the past tense of the verb "Say"
Answers may vary
❀ Make a sentence with the past tense of the verb "Sleep"
Answers may vary
❀ Past simple of "meet"
❀ Past simple of "buy"
❀ Past simple of "have"
❀ Past simple of "go"
❀ Name an example of dating sites.
Tinder, Badoo, match.
NAme 3 examples of Social Media Sites
Facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, tik tok, tumblr, deviantart,snapchat, Linkedin, reddit, forsquare, etc
❀ Stages of a love relationship
Get engaged
❀ Stages of a love relationship
Get divorced
❀ Stages of a love relationship
Get married
❀ Stages of a love relationship
They break up They broke up
❀ Stages of a love relationship
They are dating They are going out together
❀ Stages of a love relationship
They meet each other they first meet each other
❀ Name this place
❀ Name this place
❀ Name this place
Shopping Center
❀ Name this place
❀ Name this place
Water park
❀ Name this place
❀ Name this place
❀Name this place
Theme Park / Amusement Park