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Holidays and traditions
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Ways to commemorate a holiday.
War costumes
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
Remember the dead
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
Give gifts
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
Send cards
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
Have picnics
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
March in parades.
Ways to commemorate a holiday.
Set off fireworks
A tradition from your country you think is famous all over the world, explain what is it about. (Open answer)
Open answer.
A mexican traditional party, explain what is it about. (Open answer)
Open answer.
An American tradition and what do people eat at it?
Thanksgiving. Roasted turkey
A brazilian traditional celebration, explain what is it about. (Open answer)
Open answer.
A special dish, explain when it is eaten. (Open answer)
Open answer.
A type of music and when it is played (Open answer)
Open answer.
A Korean special type of clothing and when and where it is worn.
A hanbok. It's worn at Chuseok in Korea.