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G3 Written test review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does jump rope come from?
It comes from America and the Netherlands.
How do you play ayatori?
You make shapes with string.
How do you play oware?
You have to move the game pieces into your cup.
How do you free someone in the game "stuck in the mud?"
You have to crawl between a person's feet.
What's the Wonders word?
What's the Wonders word?
What's the Wonders word?
What did they do at the Lantern Festival?
Everyone made paper lanterns that lit up the night.
What is one Chinese custom?
Have a family dinner that includes tasty dumplings.
How long does the New Year celebration last?
15 days
What did the narrator do for the New Year?
Watch a band play music, get face painted like a lion, watch a man carve animals
What's the Wonders word?
What's the Wonders word?
What's the Wonders word?
What's the Wonders word?
What's this?
What do meteorologists do?
Name the Wonders vocabulary word.
Name the Wonders vocabulary word.
Name the Wonders vocabulary word.
Name the Wonders vocabulary word.
How does a wind vane work?
A wind wane works by...
Name 3 tools that meteorologists use.
thermometer, radar, wind vane
How can people stay safe from tornadoes?
People can stay safe by...
How does a tornado begin?
A tornado begins as...
What is a tornado?
A tornado is....
Name a harsh place to live.
The desert is a harsh place to live.
Name a harsh place to live.
The arctic is a harsh place to live.