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Lord fo the flies CH 9-10
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. What do Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric decide about the fire at night?
They will let it go out for the night.
What happens while Piggy, Ralph, and Samneric sleep in the shelter?
Jack and his hunters come and attack.
What does Piggy tell Ralph to say to Samneric about the night of the feast?
That they left early.
What does Bill ask that makes Jack blush?
What will we use for lighting the fire?
. What does Robert tell Roger that Jack is going to do?
He is going to beat Wilfred.
What weapon does Jack's tribe have to protect the entrance of the Castle Rock?
A huge boulder
What is Robert's job at Castle Rock?
Guards the entrance.
How did Samneric get their injuries?
from the mock hunt that killed Simon
What explanation does Piggy give for what happened?
It was an accident.
What does Ralph believe happened to Simon?
He was murdered.
Which of these boys does NOT stay with Ralph: SamnEric , Piggy, Roger
What does "the beast" tell the boys during the hunt?
There is a dead man on a mountain.
What happens in the frenzy of the dance at the end of the feast?
THe boys kill Simon.
What happens that causes Ralph to point out that Jack has no shelters to protect his tribe?
It begins to rain.
How is Jack described at the feast?
Like an idol
Why do Ralph and Piggy attend Jack's feast?
They are hungry. THey want to eat meat.
What does Simon discover about the beast?
It is the dead parachute man.
Where does Simon go after he leaves the "lord of the flies"?
To the mountain