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Open Class 2022

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which flag is this?
Republic of Ireland
In which European team is Enzo Fernandez playing currently?
Coldplay fever. Complete the line singing: "Nobody said it was ____"
Which of these countries wasn't visited by Michael and his family? SPAIN, FRANCE, BRAZIL, AUSTRALIA
In Kensuke's Kingdom, which city was destroyed by an atomic bomb?
In the World Cup, which countries were in Argentina's group stage?
Poland, Saudi Arabia, Mexico.
What is the capital of Qatar?
In Number the Stars, what was the secret organisation that tried to protect the Jewish people?
The Resistance
Number the Stars takes place in.....
What do we call somebody who leaves their country to escape from danger or violence?
A refugee
Use two phrases to suggest something: "What can we do on Saturday evening?"
Why don't we ((go) .... / Let's... / How about (going)...
Which 3 native languages have the most native speakers?
Mandarin Chinese, English, and Spanish
How is a translator's job different from an interpreter's?
A translator translates written language. An interpreter does this very quickly, while people are speaking.
What are the two most popular names in the world ? (female and male)
Sofia and Mohamed