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Gossip Questions and Idioms

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I promised her I would TAKE IT TO THE GRAVE with me.
never reveal a secret
Nope you're not going to get it out of me. MY LIPS ARE SEALED.
said when you are promising to keep a secret
WORD ON THE STREET is that he's going to propose to her.
information that is currently spreading from person to person, often at work or school
something that you say about someone you're talkng about
Mate, do I have some JUICY GOSSIP for you!
information that is especially interesting because it is shocking or personal.
There must be something going on, we need to DIG UP SOME DIRT.
discover and reveal damaging information about someone.
In the interview she DISHED THE DIRT on her ex-husband.
to tell people unpleasant or shocking personal information about someone
Go on, SPILL THE BEANS, I want to know what happened.
to tell people secret information
I can never tell you anything. You're such a BLABBERMOUTH.
a person who talks carelessly, often telling secrets to other people.
She did a KISS AND TELL for that gossip magazine.
to talk to the media about a relationship with a famous person in order to get money