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At the clothes shop

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'll take a pink dress. A blue one is not __ comfortable __ a pink one.
I'll take a pink dress. A blue one is not as comfortable as a pink one.
I can't choose. Blue boots are ___ good ___ black ones.
I can't choose. Blue boots are as good as black ones.
This T-shirt is good ____. I'll buy it.
This T-shirt is good enough. I'll buy it.
These jeans are ___ small. I need bigger size.
These jeans are too small. I need bigger size.
_____ can I try it on?
Where can I try it on?
It's OK, but I _____ the colour.
It's OK, but I don't like the colour.
Can I ____ it on?
Can I try it on?
I'm a _____ 10.
I'm a size 10.
I'm _______ for new jeans.
I'm looking for new jeans.
Sorry, _____.
Sorry, we don't.
The ________ are over there.
The changing rooms are over there.
_____ you are.
Here you are.
Do you ____ in grey?
Do you have this in grey?
We're just ______.
We're just looking.
Waht ___ are you in?
What size are you in?
Can I ____ you?
Can I help you?