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Do You Remember...? Expectation Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I see a mess, even if I didn't make it, I ...
will help clean it up and leave it how I found it.
_______ decide(s) my conduct grade.
I decide my own conduct grade.
Tuesday folders go home every week and I bring it back SIGNED on...
Homework folders go home on ____, and return on______.
Homework folders go home on MONDAY and return on FRIDAY.
When our class is in the hallway, we are...
a voice level zero, eyes and feet are forward, stopping where teacher asks us to.
The most important thing I can do during a drill or emergency is....
Listen. To. Directions.
What should I do during a fire drill?
Stop what I'm doing immediately, line up at the door and leave the building. If we are not in the classroom, then I need to listen to directions.
If someone in my station/game is not doing the right thing, I will...
tell them to play correctly. If they continue I will choose another partner.
If someone is bothering me on the carpet, I can...
ask them nicely to stop or move to another spot.
I got permission to go to the restroom. Before I leave, I will...
write my initials on the sign by the door, then erase them when I get back.
When I need to use the restroom, I ask by...
showing Ms. Villasenor the sign language for "R" which stands for restroom.
I can interrupt Ms. Villasenor if...
bleeding, barfing or you are in danger!
If I have a question while Ms. Villasenor is with a small group...
I need to ask three before me, if I still don't get the answer then I can check with Ms. Villasenor.
During a morning meeting, it's important to greet others while remembering to....
make eye contact, say their name loud and proud, toss underhand, and sit when you've finished.
After you are finished with your warm up, you...
discuss with your group, if everyone is finished. Then do unfinished work, spelling activity, or read to self.
What are the first things you should do when you come into the classroom in the morning?
You should bring in your folder, if needed, GET BREAKFAST, read the board, unstack chair, and lastlyget started on warm up