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How are Chanukkah foods cooked?
in oil
What are two things that people put on their latkes?
sour cream, applesauce, ketchup
What is the name for the chocolate coins that are given on Chanukkah?
What are the name of the jelly donuts eaten on Chanukkah?
After the Macabees won the war what place did they need to clean and rededicate?
The Beit Hamikdah
What is the name of the evil king in the Chanukkah story?
How long did the miracle of oil last for?
8 days
Who is the hero of the story of Chanukkah?
Yehuda Hamaccabee
Who are Matisyahu's 5 sons?
Shimon, Yochanon, Yehuda, Elazar and Yonatan
What Hebrew month is Chanukkah in?
After lighting the menorah where should it be placed?
In a window
What does the Chanukkah mean?
What letter replace the Shin on a dreidel from Eretz Yisorel?
What do the four letters on the dreidel stand for?
Nes gado Haya Sham (a great miracle happened there)
What is the Hebrew word for dreidel?
What happens, if during a game of dreidel you spin and land on a hey?
You win half the coins
What are the potato pancakes made on Channukah called?
Where does the story of Chanukkah take place?
Eretz Yisorel
How many days does Channukah last?
8 days
What are the four letter on the dreidel?
nun, gimmel, hey, shin
What is the difference between the Menorah in the Bais Hamikdah and the Chanukkah Menorah?
Menorah in the Basis Hamikdash had 7 branches and the Channukah Menorah has 9.
In which direction are the candles added onto the Menorah?
right to left
In which direction are the Chanukah candles lit?
Left to right
When the Menorah is fully lit how many candles are there all together?
What is the helper candle called?
The Shamash