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Name the 4 coins and their values.
Penny 1 cent, Nickel 5 cents, Dime 10 cents, Quarter 25 cents
True or False: 2 dimes are worth less than a quarter
What is the value of 22 pennies?
22 cents
Which coin has the same value as the coins shown?
Is a dime worth more or less than the collection shown?
What is the value of the collection of coins shown?
28 cents
True or False: This collection of coins has the same value as a quarter.
What is the value of the collection of coins shown?
55 cents
What is the value of the collection of coins shown?
40 cents
What is the value of the collection of coins shown?
19 cents
True or False: A dime is worth more than 2 nickels
False- they have the same value
What is the value of the collection of coins shown?
17 cents
What is the value of a quarter?
25 cents
If you have 2 dimes, how much money do you have?
20 cents.
True or False: This is worth 10 cents.
False- it is worth 5 cents.