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Hitler's Lightening War

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What major lesson did the Battle of Britain teach the Allies.
Hitler COULD be blocked / stopped.
Analyze Stalin's motives behind signing the Non-Aggression Pact with Hitler.
Western resentment of Stalin (he was not invited to the Munich Conference), and Hitler promised him territories.
T/F: The Soviets used their historical "Scorched-earth" policy in an attempt to prevent Hitler from taking over their lands and using it.
True. They used it with Napoleon before 130 years.
Criticize Chamberlain's foreign relations policy of appeasement.
It did not manage to keep peace, as intended. In fact, by giving in to aggressors' demands, aggressors, specifically Hitler, took more lands leading to WWII.
T/F: The battles in the Balkans were at the same time as Rommel's Afrika Korps.
During the 1930s, Hitler played on the hopes and fears of the Western democracies. Explain.
Each time he grabbed a piece of land, he was not opposed. Britain and France gave in to his demands hoping to keep peace and in fear of war.
Identify the political event which triggered the decision by the rest of the European countries to oppose Hitler.
When Hitler invaded Poland.
Analyze the consequences of the German invasion of France.
France fell. many soldiertrapped at Dunkirk got rescued by civilian boats. Hitler controlled north France, set up a puppet govt in south. De Gaulle fled.
The Siegfried Line was where the ________ soldiers were stationed during the Phony War. a)British b)French c)American d)German
German; this is the border line between Germany and France from German territory side.
Associate: Both of those leaders were close friends, and shared the same legal and aristocratic backgrounds. a)Carter & Chamberlain b)Roosevelt & Chamberlain c)Roosevelt and Churchil d)Churchill and Carter
Roosevelt and Churchill.
Who was the prime Minister of Britain during WWII?
Churchill. He was against the Appeasement policy of the previous PM [Chamberlain] because he believed it would only open the door for Hitler's expansions.
T/F: The Atlantic Charter was signed by Rommel and Churchill.
False; it was signed by Roosevelt (US) and Churchill (Britain). They met secretly to sign this agreement which upheld free trade and right to choose govt.
T/F: General Eisenhower was nicknamed "Desert Fox" after seizing Tobruk.
False; Erwin Rommel
T/F: Germany managed to take over France within 6 months.
False; 6 weeks.
Trace the territory on which the blitzkrieg tactic was successfully employed for the first time. a)Sudetenland b)Bulgarian c)Operation Barbarosa d)Poland
Poland because the German invasion of Poland was the first test of Germany’s newest military strategy—the blitzkrieg, or “lightning war.”
T/F: In the Battle of Leningrad / Stalingrad Hitler starved 2.5 million inhabitants.  
T/F: Hitler's action set off WWII.
True because Hitler’s expansionary policies encouraged by European appeasement and US isolationism policies, eventually triggered WWII.
Which political leader did Winston Churchill have close ties to and tried to convince him to enter the war on the side of Britain?  a)US President Roosevelt b)US President Jimmy Carter c)US President Eisenhower d)US President Wilson
T/F: The secret part of the Nonaggression Pact entailed dividing Lithuania.
False; Poland
Determine which was the first territory which was conquered by Hitler using the blitzkrieg military tactic.
T/F: Austria was the first territory that was conquered by Hitler using the blitzkrieg military tactic.
False: Poland.
All of the following were advantages for the British in fighting the Battle of Britain, EXCEPT: a)British morale b)Enigma c)Superiro numbers of aircraft d)Radar
Superior numbers of aircraft' because the advantages for the British in fighting the Battle of Britain, Radar and British morale only.
Evaluate the outcomes of the Battle of Britain.
RAF fighters and British resistance forced Germany to retreat.