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U3 Dinner
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say at least 2 kinds of food in your plate.
Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy.
Can you name at least 3 nouns with plural form? (food)
noodles, buns, grapes, bananas, hamburgers, sandwiches, flowers
Can you name at least 3 nouns with singular form? (food)
water, bread, milk, juice, coffee,  soup, rice, coke, cola, soda, pork, beef, pasta, spaghetti
How do you spell this word?
Would you like some soup?
No, thank you.
你怎麼了?  What's the matter?
What's wrong?
Be careful. It's a magic fruit tree. Would you like some oranges?
No, thank you.
I need some apples for the pie.
Don't worry. We can help.
Would you like some pie?
Yes, please.
I'm still hungry. Would you like some bread?
Yes, please.
How about you?
I would like some noodles, please.
It's six o'clock. It's time for dinner. I'm hungry. What would you like for dinner?
I would like some sandwiches, please.
What would you like for dinner ?
I would like some rice for dinner.
What would Judy like for lunch ?
She would like some milk for lunch.
What would Nick like for lunch ?
He would like some juice for lunch.
What would you like for lunch ?
I would like some soup for lunch.
What would you like for lunch ?
I would like some hamburgers for lunch.
What would you like for lunch ?
i would like some noodles for lunch.
What would you like for breakfast ?
I would like some bread for breakfast.
What would you like for breakfast ?
I would like some pie for breakfast.
What would you like for breakfast ?
I would like some juice for breakfast.
What would you like for breakfast ?
I would like some milk for breakfast.
What would you like for breakfast ?
I would like some sandwiches for breakfast.
What would you like for breakfast ?
I would like some hamburgers for breakfast.