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Christmas for 5th graders

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which reindeer has a bright red nose?
What season is it ?
What form of transport does Santa use?
What are they?
These snacks are white and red. What are they?
Candy canes.
What are they?
What are they?
What are they ?
Christmas lights.
Which is the most famous Christmas ballet of all time?
The Nutcracker.
Which country was the first to use the tradition of Christmas tree?
What two items do we usually place on top of the Christmas tree?
A star or an angel.
What is it?
Christmas tree.
Who once stole Christmas ?
The Grinch.
What date is Christmas Eve?
December 24th.
What date is Christmas?
December 25th.
Where does Santa Claus live?
North Pole.
What does Santa give to a naughty kid ?
A lump of coal.
What does Santa give to a good kid?
A present.
In other countries, kids leave out snacks for Santa Claus. What are these snacks?
Cookies and milk.
What is Santa wearing on his head ?
A Santa hat.
Who is coming to town and give kids presents ?
Santa Claus