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The Price Must Be Right

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much in VND?
Thirteen million five hundred Vietnam dong
Thirteen million and a half Vietnam dong
Thirteen point five millions Vietnam dong
Thirty five million Vietnam dong
What is "$500.78" in English?
Five hundred dollars and seventy eight cents
Five seventy eight
Five hundred seventy eight dollars and eight cents
Five hundred dollars and seven eight cents.
How much in VND?
Eleven million
Eleven millions
Eleven point zero million
Four hundred and forty two dollars
What's the closest price in USD?
How do you say "$100" in English?
A hundred dollars
One thousand dollars
One hundred dollars and zero cents
Một trăm đô la
How do you say "$121.50?"
One twenty one fifty
One twenty one dollars and five oh cents
One twenty one five oh
One hundred and twenty one dollar and fifty cent
How do you say "$743.43?"
Seven hundred forty three dollars and forty-three cents
Seven hundred forty three and forty three.
Seven dollars and forty-three forty-three
Seven hundred forty three dollar and forty-three cent
How much is it?
Six hundred fifty dollars
Six and a half dollars hundred
Six hundred fifty dollar
Six and a half dollars
How much is it?
One hundred twenty dollars.
$1.20 dollars
A dollar twenty.
One hundred dollars and twenty
How much is it?
Eighty dollars
Eighteen dollars
Eighteen dollar
A dollar eighteen.