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Are there any dangers in Prague which a tourist should be prepared for?
Pickpocketing, exchanging money, taxi drivers,...
Which Prague sports clubs are the most famous?
Footbal - Sparta and Slavia, Hockey - HC Sparta
How can you get to Prague from abroad?
Václav Havel Airport - by plane, by train - Prague Main Station or by buses.
What is the best way of travelling in Prague?
Metro, trams or buses
Why is Prague important for the Czech Republic?
It is a political, cultural, academic and economic centre. Prague is the seat of the Czech president, parliament and government.
What's inside the Dancing house?
offices, café, restaurant, art gallery
What theatres do you know in Prague?
The National theatre, The Semafor Theatre, The ABC Theatre, Divadlo na zábradlí, Divadlo na Vinohradech
Do you know any museums in Prague?
The Nationall Gallery, The National Museum
What can you find inside the St. Vitus Cathedral?
Crown Jewels (Coronation jewels) and tombs of Czech kings and queens.
Why is the Prague castle in the Guiness Book of World Records?
The largest castle complex in the world?
In which Prague part is the Czech parliament, ministries and embassies located?
Lesser Town
What is "Lesser Town" in czech?
Malá Strana
According to legend, what is the Charles Bridge made out of?
The legend says that wine, eggs and milk were added to the mortar.
Name some of the "buildings" Charles the IV built.
Charles Bridge, Charles University, foundations of st. Vitus Cathedral
Where can I find the Old Astronomical Clock?
Old Town
What statue is on th top of Wenceslas Square?
St. Václav (Saint Wenceslas)
What historical event happened on the Wenceslas Square?
Velvet Revolution
What landmarks can you find at Vyšehrad? Name 3
Church of St. Peter and Paul, Slavín Cemetery, A statue of Libuše and Přemysl, Vyšehrad Park, Rotunda of St. Martin
What is treshold in Czech?
Do you know the legend about LIbuše and Prague?
She is said to have founded Pragu : “I can see a city whose fame will touch the stars.“
What are Prague's oldest parts?
Vyšehrad, Hradčany, Old Town, New Town, Josefov, Lesser Town
How many adinistrative districts does Prague have?
Where is Prague situated and what is its population?
Central Bohemia on the banks of vltava. about 1,3 milion inhabitants