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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Belinda talks __ her husband about her problems at work.
How long ___ you____ your best friend? (know) Since 2020
have known
When ____ you____ the President? (meet) In 2020
Did you meet
Ralph ____ to his friend's birthday party at the weekend (go)
is going (to go)
I promise ____ you move house next week! (help)
I'll/ I will help
Andy was driving too fast when the Police ____ him. (stop)
Bernadette spends a lot of money __ clothes. She loves shopping!
Andy ____ too fast when the Police stopped him. (drive)
was driving
Mark ____ the kitchen. It's very organised now. (clean)
has cleaned
Mark ____ the kitchen for 2 hours, he's really tired now! (clean)
has been cleaning
Lucy has worked at Apple ___ 2017.
Lucy has worked at Apple __ 5 years.
London is _____ Rome. (comparative: big)
bigger than
A road where cyclists can ride their bikes safely.
cycle lane
Paul is really interested __ cycling. He watches all the bih races.
A place where you can get a taxi
Taxi Rank
Jurassic Park is ____ film I've ever seen! (superlative: good)
the best