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Simple present affirmative sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The veterinarian doesn't carry the puppy.
The veterinarian carries the puppy.
My father doesn't watch soccer.
My father watches soccer.
We shouldn't arrive on time for the party.
We should arrive on time for the party.
We don't go to the beach for Easter vacation.
We go to the beach for Easter vacation.
Stephanie isn't tall.
Stephanie is tall.
I don't like to wear jeans.
I like to wear jeans.
Bruce doesn't usually miss the bus.
Bruce usually misses the bus.
My brother doesn't have a bicycle.
My brother has a bicycle.
Hilda doesn't bake bread.
Hilda bakes bread.
They aren't good friends.
They're good friends.
My sister can´t play tennis.
My sister can play tennis.
Borus doesn't need to exercise.
Borus needs to exercise.
Isabel doesn't go to the cinema.
Isabel goes to the cinema.
My dog can't learn to obey.
My dog can learn to obey.
Alice doesn't cook dinner for her family.
Alice cooks dinner for her family.
Audrey can't learn to cook Chinese food.
Audrey can learn to cook Chinese food.
Fernando and Daisy don't eat pasta every Wednesday.
Fernando and Daisy eat pasta every Wednesday.
Nelly won't have a birthday this month.
Nelly will have a birthday this month.
Tommy can't play the guitar.
Tommy can play the guitar.
Michael won't need help with the project.
Michael will need help with the project.
Mary doesn't have a beautiful garden.
Mary has a beautiful garden.