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I02- Verb+ING / Infinitives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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eat with a fork and knife / polite (gerund+complement+be+adjective)
Eating with a fork and knife is polite.
study in a different country / not easy (It+be+adjective+infinitive+complement)
It is not easy to study in a different country.
learn new vocabulary / important (It+be+adjective+infinitive+complement)
It is important to learn new vovabulary.
Giving a present with your left hand is impolite.
It is impolite to give a present with your left hand.
It wasn't hard to pass the test.
Passing the test wasn't hard.
what's BEHAVIOR?
The way someone acts
what's a CUSTOM?
similar word for PLEASANT
opposite of HONEST
opposite of UNPLEASANT
opposite of RUDE
opposite of KIND
Practicing my English every day is important for me.
It is important for me to practice my English every day.
Arriving late to a meeting is disrespectful.
It is disrespectful to arrive late to a meeting.
It is impolite to talk when your partner is participating.
Talking when your partner is participating is impolite.