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have got

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents ... ... a garage for their car. (negative/have got)
haven't got
Maurizio ... ... a wardrobe in his bedroom. (have got)
has got
Pierpaolo ... ... a clock in his kitchen. (negative have got)
hasn't got
Lorenza and Matteo ... ... a laptop. They ... ... a computer. (negative have got) / (have got)
haven't got / have got
Paola ... ... a mirror in her bedroom. (negative/have got)
hasn't got
Valerio ... ... a big TV in his bedroom. (have got)
has got
... Paolo ... a brother or a sister? (have got)
Has Paolo got
... Bianca ... an electric guitar? (have got)
Has Bianca got
Our teacher ... a lot of books. (have got)
has got
They ... ... a clock in their kitchen. (negative/ have got)
haven't got
... your sister ... some pictures in her room? (have got)
Has your sister got some pictures in her room?
... your brother ... a big room? (have got)
Has your brother got
... you ... stairs in your house ? (have got)
Have you got
... you ... a pet ? (have got)
Have you got