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Portal 2 _Module 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She .............(can / used to ) wake up early when she was younger but now she wakes up late.
used to
My parents got .................(born / married) in 1998.
Joe got a .................(university / job) as an English teacher last month.
Make a sentence with the verb "drink" in past simple
Make a sentence with the verb "can" in past simple
Make a sentence with the verb "find" in past simple
Make a sentence with the verb "be" in past simple
Make a sentence with the verb "go" in past simple
When ..............Mr Jones ...............(retire)?
When did Mr Jones retire?
Mona .........(not / can) paint well two years ago but now she .............(can)
couldn't , can
I ..........(try) bowling last week but I ..................(not / like) it.
I tried bowling last week but I didn't like it.
.................you .............(know) how to send messages when you ........(be) 8?
Did you know how to send messages when you were 8?
I can't ..................(save / turn off) this picture on my computer. What's wrong?
The GPS is a great ................( website / gadget) for drivers.
Did Menia ......................(used to / go) climbing when she was 10 years old?
use to go
Can I use your laptop? I want to find some ............(retire / information)
He ................(not / used to) to chat online but now he loves it!
didn't use to
Marvin ...............(decide) to go to university.
I ..................(not / laugh) during the sitcom last night.
didn't laugh
I was ...................(born / graduate) in Anthens in 2012.