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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever participated in online computer games? (PART) Have you ever ................ online computer games?
taken part in
My computer doesn't work so I can't email you. (WRONG) There is ........................... my computer, so I can't email you.
something wrong with
It wasn't necessary for me to buy tickets for the concert. (NEED) I ...................... tickets for the concert.
didn't need to buy
Our car stopped on the motorway, so we had to call for help. (DOWN) Our car .................. on the motorway, so we had to call for help.
broke down
I don't agree with your opinion on the new sports park. (WRONG) I think you ................... the sports park.
are wrong about
Why don't you return the trousers to the shop you bought them from? (BACK) Why don't you .................. to the shop you bought them from?
give back the trousers
Don't put those plastic bags in the trash bin! - Use them again. (AWAY) Don't ...................... ! - Use them again.
throw those plastic bags away
John sent me a text message. (RECEIVED) I ........................... John.
received a text message from
I think we should build a new shopping center in the suburbs. (FAVOR) I am ........................ a new shopping center in the suburbs.
in favor of building
There is only a little tea left in the pot. (MUCH) There ..................... tea left in the pot.
isn't much
There are quite a few things I would like to do when I'm old. (NUMBER) There .................. things I would like to do when I'm old.
are a number of
We don't know anything about the problem. (INFORMATION) We don't ........................... about the problem.
have any information
Jam and marmalade are not the same thing. (DIFFERENCE) There ................. jam and marmalade.
is a difference between
I found some old photos when I was tidying up my room. (ACROSS) I .................. some old photos when I was tidying up my room.
came across
Some monkeys use sign language to talk to people. (COMMUNICATE) Some monkeys ............... through sign language.
communicate with people
Could you lend me your car until the weekend? (BORROW) Could ................... until the weekend?
I borrow your car