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An elevator ride went from ground floor to 8th, then up to 20th, and back to the parking garage 4 floors below the ground level, lastly, back to the 3rd floor. How many floors did it travel?
47 floors ( 8 + 12 +24 +3)
What would the proper sign be to indicate a submarine at the depth of 512 feet below sea level
a minus sign
Roman civilization began in 509 BC and came to an end 476AD. How long did it last?
985 years ( 509 - -476= 985)
Ashley 's bank account had $48. A debit came in for $80, and she also deposited $75. What is her balance?
She still has $43 dollars in the account.
Underwater photographer started at 15 ft below, shifts up 9 feet , and descends 12 feet to get good shots. What was his final depth?
-18 or 18 feet below sea level.
Joe burnt 387 calories on the treadmill and later treated himself to a chocolate donut ( 416 calories). What was the overall caloric count for that morning?
He totaled 29 calories ( -387 + +416)
When fishing with a magnet, a game will award 8 points for each fish , but cost you 5 points for each octopus you catch. What score would you earn with 3 fish and 6 octopii?
0 ( 30 for fish + -30 for the octopii)
A hiker is at the top of a mountain (1240 feet above sea level) He has to pull up supplies from the valley floor ( 620 below sealevel)) What is the shortest length of rope he needs to use? is the rope
1860 feet + some for a knot
At a hotel Adam is jumping from the pool ( 62 degrees) to the jacuzzi( 119 degrees). What temperature change is he experiences?
a span of 57 degrees
Mary played penny poker with her mom. 1st game she lost 18 cents to her mom, and 2nd game mom lost 23 cents to her . Did Mary come out behind or ahead at the end , and by how much?
Ahead, by 5 pennies
Zaiden has earned 93 points on a big project. He was late 6 days and his teacher will deduct 5 points a day. What will his final score be?
63 points on the project
Jane is moving to Alaska, and expecting a big difference in temperatures. Her hometown 's hottest recorded temperature was 87 degrees, and the new town in Alaska 's coldest temp was -45 degrees. What is the change between the 2?
132 degrees
Jonah is playing a video game in which he earns 15 points for every homerun at the end of a level. He loses 10 points for every foul.. He has made 20 homeruns and made 12 fouls. What is his score?
180 points
A grocery store had 150 bags of rice. Each bag sells for $7.50. Fifteen bags got ruined by the flooding, so what is the value, to the store owner of the remaining bags?
An iron heats to 118 degrees. After unplugged, the surface temperature drops by 4 degrees each minute. What would the surface temperature of the iron be after 13 minutes?
66 degrees
A bird is flying 1200 feet above sea level. A fish is swimming 400 feet below sea level. How far would the bird need to descend ( go down) in order to be the same distance from sea level as the fish?