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Wilson 2.5 Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yes, this stuff is just the scraps.
Yes, this stuff is just the scraps.
Sid will get the strand of string for the job.
Sid will get the strand of string for the job.
The kids will split up that job.
The kids will split up that job.
You will see buds on that branch in the spring.
You will see buds on that branch in the spring.
I told the child to scrub the tub.
I told the child to scrub the tub.
The dog got the scrap from lunch.
The dog got the scrap from lunch.
Jim will plant crops in the spring.
Jim will plant crops in the spring.
If Ted jumps, the splash will be big!
If Ted jumps, the splash will be big!
I just strum on the drums for fun.
I just strum on the drums for fun.
My gram will mend the strap on this dress.
My gram will mend the strap on this dress.
At six a.m., Tim sprints on the path.
At six a.m., Tim sprints on the path.
What is that strong smell?
What is that strong smell?
The pup had a strip of cloth.
The pup had a strip of cloth.
Jim is so strong from that job.
Jim is so strong from that job.
We will get shrimp and scrod.
We will get shrimp and scrod.
Jim lost the strap on his bag.
Jim lost the strap on his bag.
Scot will jump in the pond with a big splash.
Scot will jump in the pond with a big splash.
Cath and Fran still had to scrub the big pots.
Cath and Fran still had to scrub the big pots.
I must squint to see in this spring sun.
I must squint to see in this spring sun.
I think that I can split the logs.
I think that I can split the logs.