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Clunk´s new job

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Clunk is a happy waiter at the restaurant. True (T) or False (F)
False. He isn't happy!
What is wrong with the van?
It´s flying!
Is Clunk good at serving dishes?
No, it isn´t.
Is Clunk good at carrying plates?
Yes, it is!
Is Clunk good at cooking?
No, it isn´t.
What is Clunk doing? Clunk is looking for a job. - Clunk is running - Clunk is reading a book.
Clunk is looking for a new job.
How is Clunk feeling? Happy - Sad - Tired
Clunk is sad.
What is Grandpa doing?
He is fixing the car.
Who is Clunk? He´s a boy. It´s a dog. It´s a robot.
It´s a robot.