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Spain Geography

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What climate zone is Madrid in?
Continental Mediterranean
Describe the vegetation in the Oceanic climate
Abundant vegetation including forests and meadows
Describe the temperature and precipitation of the Mountain climate
cool temperatures and high precipitation
What watershed are the Balearic Islands in?
What are the two archipelagos of Spain?
Balearic Islands and Canary Islands
What are the two main river basins in Spain?
Depresion de Ebro and Depresion del Guadalquivir
Name two Mountain ranges surrounding the Meseta Central
Montes de Leon, Cordillera Cantabrica, Sistema Iberico, Sierra Morena
What are the two Mountain ranges in the Meseta Central?
Sistema Central and Montes de Toledo
What are the three coasts of Spain?
Atlantic, Cantabrian, Mediterranean
What part of Spain has Endimic species? (organisms that only live in that place)
Canary Islands
What are the three watersheds of Spain?
Cantabrian, Mediterranean, Atlantic
What is the highest Mountain in Spain and where is it located?
Teide in Tenerife, Canary Islands
What are the four climate zones of Spain?
Oceanic, Mountain, Subtropical, Mediterranean
Where in Spain is the Subtropical climate located?
The Canary Islands
What are the three types of Mediterranean climate?
Typical, Continental, Dry
What climate zone is Sevilla located in?
Typical Mediterranean
Where in Spain is the Oceanic Climate located?
The Northern coast