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EF B2.1 Unit 8B grammar + vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The ___ of the cathedral can be seen from far away. (crypt / dome / tomb)
The roof is supported by six enormous round stone ___. (columns / crypts / galleries)
The ___ of many dead poets and artists can be found in Westminster Abbey. (naves / tombs / aisles)
There's a ___ along the inner wall of the Main Hall. (gallery / nave / dome)
There are ten rows of seats either side of the ___ of the church. (tomb / aisle / column)
The bodies of the writers Charlotte and Emily Brontë lie in the ___ of their local church. (aisle / gallery / crypt)
Most of the seats are in the ___ of the church. (column / nave / dome)
The royal family (owns / is owned) Balmoral Castle.
We missed the last train because we (had given / had been given) the wrong time.
had been given
He enjoys (showing / being shown) visitors around the house.
The cathedral is closed to visitors because it (is restoring / is being restored).
is being restored
Cameras may (use / be used) without a flash.
be used
The students (were eating / were being eaten), so we couldn't see the Great Dining Hall.
were eating
The artist (hasn't painted / hasn't been painted) a portrait of his wife before.
hasn't painted
Jane Austen (wrote / was written) six great novels during her lifetime.
Guided tours need (to book / to be booked) in advance.
to be booked
The palace (is used / used) for weddings and celebrations.
is used