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Review unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We were _________ when we heard the news about the car accident.
I ___________(not know) what they were talking about because I ___________ (not read) the book.
didn't know/hadn't read
She ______________ (run) out of milk, so she ___________ (stop) at the supermarket on the way.
had run out of/stopped
By the time we ____________ (get) out of bed, my dad ________ already _________ (put) our bags in the car.
got/had already put
When you _____________ (arrive) at the restaurant, _______ Gus _________ (have) dinner yet?
arrived/had had
I _____________ (know) about the problem before he told me.
had known
_________ the train ____________ (leave) by the time you reached the station?
I was tired because I ______________ (not sleep) all night.
hadn't slept
It ______________ (not start) to snow until we reached the mountains.
hadn't started
After he ____________ (return) from his journey, he wrote a book about it.
had returned
Did many people ___________ the accident?
I didn't buy anything in Paris because I _____________ of money.
ran out
Rob hates parties. He's very _________________.
The hickers walked for hours because they felt good and very _____________.
The men started their journey in India and made _______________ to China.
their way
I didn't know where I was. I was lost - I was so ____________ !
Brad was ______________ to hear his favorite band was playing in town.
Did you feel _______________ when your parents went away for the weekend?
Everyone was delighted when the space rocket finally _________ its ___________.
I was really ______________ when my best friend didn't speek to me for a week.