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BEC vantage oral part 02

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is important when Choosing a hotel for a client? •Location of the hotel •Hotel facilities
What is important when Aiming to become a manager? •Working hard •Leadership
What is important when working with a new boss?           • Making a good impression •Creating a friendly professional relationship
What is important when . Attending a business conference?                           •Listening to a presentation •Giving your own opinions
What is important when Dealing with a complaint from a customers?                 •Collecting information •Interview people involved.
What is important Changing working hours?         •Consulting staff     •Discussing effects the changes may have
What is important when Giving a presentation?              •Preparing materials well •Using technology
What us important when Organising business trips? •Checking dates and times carefully                                               • Cost-effectiveness
What is important when Promoting a new product?          • Potential customers                      • Unique selling features
What is important when Choosing a meeting venue?        • Room size •Convenience
What is important when Carrying out an employee review ?                                                 • Training needs                              • Strengths and weaknesses
What is important when . Setting up a new website for your company?                  •Getting expert help  •Choosing who will manage the site
What is important when Running your own business from home ?                                        • Keeping accounts up to date   • Keeping home life and work separate
What is important when . Arranging a meeting?                   • Deciding who needs to attend the meeting                                         • Sending out important documents.
What is important when Deciding where to relocate your company? • Checking access to transport infrastructure • Finding potential employees
What is important when  Interviewing acandidate for a job?                                                 Deciding what questions to ask Deciding what qualifications are required