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Science 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The picture is one of many ways to ........... waste. A. Reuse, B. Reduce, C. Recycle, D. Recover
C. Recycle
How can organic waste be appropriately recyled? A. Composting, B. Burning, C. Melting, Throwing away to the normal bin
A. Composting
Is World Clean Up day the only day that we need to clean up? (True/False?)
What is most frequently found at beach cleanups? A. Glass, B. Shoes, C. Pieces of plastic, D. Jewelry
C. Pieces of plastic
Which of these items can be turned into fertilizer for your garden? A. Eggshell, B. Golf ball, C. Plastic packaging, D. All of the above
A. Eggshell
When is World Clean Up day?
September 21st
Turn off water while brushing your teeth belongs to which of the 5R principles?
What does recycle mean?
Turning an item into raw materials which can be used again
What is 5R stands for?
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot
Landfill of waste batteries can cause environmental pollution. (True or False?)
Littering is good for the environment. (True or False?)
Recycling is something only adults can do. (True or False?)
What does reuse mean?
Give items a second life
Refusing, Reducing, Reusing, Recycling and Racking make the Earth cleaner. (True or False?)
What does rot mean?
Compost organic waste
What does reduce mean?
Consume less
What does refuse mean?
Say NO to things you don't need
The picture above is a simple way to ___ old jars. A. Reuse B. Reduce C. Recycle D. Refuse
A. Reuse
Metal straws is eco friendlier than using plastic straws. (True or False?)
We should take quick showers compared to long showers. (True or False?)
Which of the three bags is ecofriendly? Paper, Plastic or Cloth?