Edit Game
Preteens 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unscramble - have / toys / their / They / put / away
They have put their toys away
Unscramble - my / have / room / I / tied
I have tied my room
Unscramble - her / She / printed / has / homework
She has printed her homework
Unscramble - mess / He / made / has / a
He has made a mess
Unscramble - saved / our / We / have / document
We have saved our document
In England, it often snows ___ December.
Her birthday is ___ 20 November.
Jane went home ___ lunchtime.
Do you work ___ Mondays?
Do you think we will go to Jupiter ___ the future?
I have a meeting ___ 9am.
The man _____ his taxi.
Karl often _____ the newspaper.
Ann always ______ in the pool.
Action in the classroom - unscramble - ropusg    korw  ni
work in groups
Action in the classroom - unscramble - oruy orcerct sitameks
correct your mistakes
Action in the classroom - unscramble - ahnd    israe   ruoy
raise your hand
Action in the classroom - unscramble - a prepa kate icpee  fo
take a piece of paper
Action in the classroom - unscramble - teh uqsetoni snawre
answer the question
Action in the classroom - unscramble - robad og ot het
Go to the board
is a subject of science that deals with living organisms and their life processes.
can be defined as the study of human society and individual relationships with and within the society.
Social Studies
the most basic and widely taught subjects in schools worldwide.
is a vast subject that extends the branch of knowledge and examines the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
is the science that concerns the logic of shape, quantity, and arrangement.