Edit Game
Unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the Greek/Latin root for place?
What is the capital of Cuba?
1 step in at home reading is how many minutes?
What is it called when an author favors a certain person or idea in his writing?
The books that are written at 7th grade level are in which color bin?
What genre would involve a murder and a detective trying to find the killer?
What baseball position does Manny play?
In what genre would you find fairies or sorcerers?
What does Carlos do to get taken in by the police?
scalps tickets - scalping tickets
dWhich is the direct definition of a word? connotation or denotation?
Which character pretends to be Michael and Carlos father?
Uncle Timo
What is the message the author is sending called in a piece of informational text?
central idea
What is the name of the mouse from the Cuban song in Heat?
Who, in the end, actually gets Michael's birth certificate?
El Grande
What two languages do our root words come from?
Greek and Latin
What can change the meaning of a word by placing it at the end of a word?
a suffix
What can change the meaning of a word but placing it in front of the word?
a prefix
What do we call the message that the author is telling sending us in a novel?
What is the name of the nice person who checks out your books in the library?
Mrs. Carteno
Which type of figurative language? "I weighed a ton after eating all of that cake."
Which figurative language is the following sentence? "The stars smiled down at me on my walk."
Name 3 genres
fantasy, historical fiction, biography, etc. ,....
What is the Greek/Latin root for sound?
What burrough is Yankee Stadium in?
The Bronx
What is the name of Michael Arroyo's baseball team?
The Clippers