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The Family for Second Grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can the grand father be part of the nuclear family? Explain
He can be part of the extended family only.
In this picture, what is the relation of the man and the woman for the kids?
Mom and dad.
In this picture, what is the relation of the girl?
She is the daughter
In this picture, what is the relation of the boy?
He is the son
What type of family is this? Explain
Single parent
What type of family is this? Explain.
Extended family
Whay type of family is this?
Nuclear family!
An adopted child can be part of an extended family?
Yes, he can.
What type of family do you have? Explain!
If your mom has two baby boys and a baby girl, what are they from you?
My brothers and my sister.
If your mom has a baby boy, what is he from you?
Your brother.
If your mom has a baby girl, what is she from you?
My sister!
An extended family has a mom and a dad. True or false?
How can we obtain a single parent?
With only a mom or a dad.
What is another word for mother and father?
A single parent can be a mom only! True or false?
Another word for mom is . . . . . .
Mommy, mother, parent.
Another word for father is . . . . .
Dad, daddy, parent
A nuclear family can have an aunt, uncle or grandparents. True or false?
Can an adopted child be part of a nuclear family?
Yes, he can.
What is a family?
A group of people of two or more people related by birthd, marriage or adoption.