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Controlled versus Open-Ended Techniques

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When we talk about COMMUNICATION, it reminds us about
open-ended techniques
The term MANIPULATION is closed related to...
Controlled techniques
Storytelling, brainstorming, role-plays, discussions, small group work, and some games are part of...
controlled techniques
Warm-up, Reading aloud, Reading aloud, Choral repetition are examples of...
Open-ended techniques
During the open-ended techniques, students
become free to be creative with their responses and interactions with other students.
During the controlled techniques, the teacher
acts like the director of the orchestra, the one who drives everything in class
Open-ended techniques...
elicit an intended response
Controlled techniques...
make spontaneous students responses
Controlled techniques...
are relatively unmonitored
Open-Ended techniques...
monitor students responses
Open-Ended techniques...
focus on meaning/communication
Controlled techniques...
emphasize forms/structure
Open-Ended techniques...
restrict communication
Controlled techniques....
are free to improvise
The difference between controlled and open-ended techniques is...
the teacher controls the flow of the discourse, and learners simply fill the discursive slots provided.
Controlled techniques happen when...
the teacher and student “break through the communicative cocoon”