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So, much, too, enough b1 +

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unfair Emphasis
so/such (a/an)+ adj/adverb. That is such an unfair arrangement
Terrifying Emphasis
So/such (a/an) + adj/adverb + that. The film was so terrifying that I screamed.
Reluctant Cause and result
So/such (a/an) + adj/adverb + that. My daughter is such a reluctant student that she hid her homework.
Stubborn Cause and result
So/such (a/an) + adj/adverb + that. Alex is so stubborn that he always falls out with his friends.
Bold Result not possible
Too + adj /adv (+ to-infinitive). Elton John is too bold to wear boring colours.
Stingy Emphasis
so/such (a/an)+ adj/adverb. My dad is so stingy.
Passionate Result not possible
Too + adj /adv (+ to-infinitive) (not) + adj/adv + enough (+ to-infinitive/that clause) The team aren't passionate enough to win the game.
Selfish Cause and result
So/such (a/an) + adj/adverb + that. Margo is such a selfish person that she neglected her dog.
Mushrooms Result not possible noun
(Not) enough (+adj) + noun (+ to-infinitive) There weren't enough mushrooms to go foraging.
Toilet paper Result not possible noun
(Not) enough (+adj) + noun (+ to-infinitive). I don't have enough toilet paper to be a mummy for halloween.
Milk Result not possible noun
(Not) enough (+adj) + noun (+ to-infinitive). Mum doesn't have enough milk to make hot chocolate.
Glue Result not possible noun
(Not) enough (+adj) + noun (+ to-infinitive). We don't have enough glue to fix it.
Rice Result not possible noun
(Not) enough (+adj) + noun (+ to-infinitive). There isn't enough rice to make risotto.
Extreme Result not possible
Too + adj /adv (+ to-infinitive) (not) + adj/adv + enough (+ to-infinitive/that clause) You are too extreme to have a ordinary life.
Madly Cause and result
So/such (a/an) + adj/adverb + that. Penny is so madly in love with James that they have decided to elope this weekend.
Dull Result not possible
Too + adj /adv (+ to-infinitive) (not) + adj/adv + enough (+ to-infinitive/that clause). That book is too dull to study for a whole year.
Boring Emphasis
so/such (a/an)+ adj/adverb. That's such a boring city, don't go there!