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Atmosphere Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain a carbon reservoir.
Carbon is stored for a long period of time.
Explain a carbon sink.
Stores carbon for a short amount of time
What way do the winds blow from an area of low pressure?
What way do the winds blow from an area of high pressure?
A wind that is blowing towards the northwest would be called?
Southeasterly winds
Which way to the winds bend in the southern hemisphere?
Which way to the winds bend in the northern hemisphere?
Would you find a desert of rainforest at the marked latitude?
What type of "cells" is C?
Hadley Cell
What type of "cells" is B?
Ferrel Cell
What type of "cells" is A?
polar cell
Describe El Nino conditions for Peru.
decreased trade winds, less upwelling along the coastline, wet and warm weather
What season is this in the Northern Hemispehre?
What are weather conditions during a high pressure?
clear conditions
What are weather conditions during a low pressure?
clouds and precipitation
In which layer of the atmosphere would find high amount of helium and hydrogen?
In which layer of the atmosphere would find the ozone layer?
In which layer of the atmosphere would find weather?
In which layer would you find a meteor being burned?
List the layers of the atmosphere in order from the closest to the farthest
Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
What gas has the highest percentage in our atmosphere?
Name the 3 main gases in the atmosphere.
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon