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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the noun for "hot?
What's the difference between RESIGNED and to BE SACKED?
When you RESIGN, you leave a job voluntarily. When you ARE SACKED, a boss tells you to go.
What's the difference between OTHER and ANOTHER?
OTHER + plural nouns ANOTHER + singular noun
What's the difference between EVEN IF and EVEN THOUGH?
We use "Even if..." to refer to a possible situation and We use "Even though..." to refer to something that happened, for sure.
What's the difference between ARGUE and DISCUSS?
When you ARGUE, you are angry. When you DISCUSS something, you are calm and exchange opinions with other people.
What are the Verb Patterns for REFUSE AND DENY?
REFUSE to do something DENY doing something
What's the difference in meaning between REFUSE and DENY?
REFUSE means "No! I won't do it!" DENY means "No! That's not true!"
What's the Verb Pattern for MANAGE? (ex: He managed _____________ (finish) the exam in less than 1 hour.)
MANAGE to do something
What is the collocation for the verb SUCCEED. (ex: He succeeded __________________(finish) the exam in just 45 minutes.)
SUCCEED (in) doing something
What's the difference between TRIP and TRAVEL?
TRIP is a noun, e.g. to go on a trip, to take a trip, my trip to Paris TRAVEL is usually a verb, e.g. We always travel by car.
What's the difference between FUN and FUNNY?
FUN = enjoyable; when you have a good time FUNNY = Ha! Ha! When something or somebody makes you laugh.
What's the difference in USE between "despite" and "although"?
DESPITE + a noun / -ing or DESPITE + "the fact that" + a sentence (S + V) ALTHOUGH + a sentence (S + V)
What's the difference between AT the moment and FOR the moment?
AT the moment means "Now" and FOR the moment means that something is temporary.
What's the difference between ASK and ASK FOR
You ask somebody or You ask a question BUT you ask for something e.g. "Can you give me some money?" = He asked for some money.
What's the difference between JOB and WORK?
JOB is a countable noun e.g. a doctor, a nurse, an architect WORK is an uncountable noun e.g. I have a lot of work to do.
REMEMBER TO DO SOMETHING is when you have an Obligation or Need to do something REMEMBER DOING SOMETHING refers to a Memory, in the Past
What's the difference between HARD and HARDLY?
HARD = difficult or the opposite of "soft" HARDLY = apenas
_________ myself = __________ my own
BY myself / ON my own
When do we use BECAUSE and when do we use BECAUSE OF?
BECAUSE is followed by a subject and a verb BECAUSE OF is followed by a NOUN
What's the grammatical difference between SO and SUCH?
We use "so" with adjectives and adverbs We use "such" with NOUNS. There can be an adjective, too, but if there is a NOUN, you must use "such".
It doesn't ______________ sense.
It doesn't MAKE sense.
"How nice!" "What a nice day!" When do we use "How" and when do we use "What" in exclamations?
"How" + adjectives "What" + (adjective) + NOUN
What's the difference in use between "I'd rather.." and "I'd prefer..."
There's no "to" after "I'd rather" and there is "to" after "I'd prefer."
What's the difference between "stranger" and "foreigner"?
a "stranger" is a person you don't know and a "foreigner" is a person from another country.
What's the difference between "used to do" and "would do" to refer to PAST HABIT?
We can use "used to" with ALL verbs in English but we can only use "Would " with ACTION verbs.