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Present Perfect Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When do we use the words "just, already" and "not yet" in the Present Perfect Simple?
Things that happened a short time before now
True or false: We use present perfect to talk about things that happened a short time before now but that are still important now.
Name at least three verbs in the Present Perfect Simple
Make a question in the Present Perfect Simple
When can you use "Never" in the present perfect simple?
In negative sentences! It means "in no moment in your life"
When can you use "Ever" in the present perfect simple?
In questions! It means "in any moment of your life"
Besides the main verb, what auxiliary do we use with the Present Perfect? Do/Does Can Have/Has Verb to Be
What column of the verb list do we use for Present Perfect Simple? A) 1st (Infinitive) B) 2nd (Past Simple) C) 3rd (Past Participle)
C) 3rd (Past Participle)
Make a negative sentence using the Present Perfect Simple
Make a positive sentence using the Present Perfect Simple
True or False: We can use time markers (yesterday, one year ago, last week) with Present Perfect Simple
False! We CAN'T, as it is an unspecified time!
True or False: We use Present Perfect Simple with actions that happened in an unspecified time