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Higher Education - New words - English 12

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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UCSA is a central agency which acts _______UK universities and colleges of higher education. (as a result of/on behalf of/for benefit of/by reason of)
on behalf of: thay mặt cho, đại diện cho/ a central agency (1 cơ quan trung ương)
_______, these students are among the best prepared who have been through this university. (At the whole/On the whole/In the general/In generally)
On the whole = In general = Generally: Nhìn chung, nói chung
At first, I felt a little__________ at the thought of being lonely. (scare)
scared (adj): cảm thấy sợ hãi
No previous knowledge of Arabic is required for___________ (acceptance/ admission/ decision/ attendant) to the university
admission to university: sự nhận vào trường đại học
A university degree has become a__________ (require) for entry into most professions
requisite (n: điều kiện cần thiết
Students at university are called u____ while they are studying for their first degree.
Sarah lived__________(in/on/at/into) campus in her first year at college
on campus: trong khuôn viên trường học
Please complete the ________ form and return it to us. (apply)
Whenever something goes wrong, everyone b__________ it on me
Several students failed to reach the _____________ standard. (require/required/requisite/ requirement))
required (adj): đầu ra/ được yêu cầu/ bắt buộc, requisite (n,adj): cần thiết/ điều kiện cần thiết
For this course a pass in English at grade B is ____________ . (available/ acceptable/ decisive/ accessible)
Students normally enter university from 18 onwards and study for an ________ (academy)degree.
academic (adj)
The college he ________ (submitted/applied/ required/ decisive) to has accepted him
Students have to apply ________ (for/in/from/on) a place at the university while doing the A level
She is interested ______ (in/on/at/from) working in university administration.
No one's going to t____ n______ o____ your tooth unless you tell them about it.
take notice of
He's fully o____________ looking after three small children.
explain (v) = a__________ f_____
account for
My first i______________ of him was favourable.