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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain: Solar energy can be changed into other energies.
chemical, kinetic, electric, heat.
GR: Ecologist s don't appreciate all the technological application which is used in energy transformation.
Negative effect
What is the idea of operation of simple electric cell?
to change the chemical energy into electric energy
Give 2 example of solutions tat are bad electric conductors.
Sugary solution, Hydrogen chloride in benzene
Complete: ........................is used for making heating coils, while .....................is used for making jewels.
nickel - chrome / copper- gold
GR: Sodium must be kept under kerosene surface?
to prevent their reaction with atmospheric oxygen
Complete: At the maximum height of the object, the ....................vanished.
What happens to the K.E when doubling the speed of an object and decrease of the speed to the half
K.E increases to the double.
What is this element? is it monoatomic or diatomic?
Argon, Monoatomic
How does the solar energy reaches from The Sun to Mars planet?
An atom contains 10 electrons. How many of these electrons occupy the "M" energy level?
An atom of phosphorus has the chemical symbol 3 1 1 5 P .What is the atomic number,mass number, no.of electron, no of neutron.
15, 31, 15, 16
Complete according to the figure: During the process of condensation, the change happens from ...........to...............
c / b
Which form of energy does a substance usually gain or lose to undergo a change of state?
Thermal energy
Which change in state is shown in the diagram?
Complete:When a piece of wood is put into a fire and starts to burn, ......................energy starts to decrease.
chemical energy.
GR: Energy level "L" is filled with electron before energy level "M".
because "L" has less energy than "M"
Write the electronic configuration , its chemical activity.
2,8 ,8,1 / Active
Write the symbols of : Lead, Gold, Helium
Pb, Au, He
Complete: The atomic number of an atom of an element that contains 3 electrons in in "M" energy level is .......................
Complete: In order to move from the K level to the L level, an electron needs to absorb energy equal to .........................
the difference in energy between the K and L levels