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Thanksgiving day

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How many pumpkin pies do Americans eat every Thanksgiving?
An estimated 50 million pumpkin pies are devoured every November.
How many places in the U.S. have the name "Turkey"?
There are four towns in the United States named “Turkey.” They can be found in Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and North Carolina.
Do other countries celebrate the holiday?
Yes! Canada also celebrates Thanksgiving — but on a different day.
What percentage of Americans actually eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
How many turkeys do American prepare each Thanksgiving?
46 million
Has Thanksgiving always been celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?
No. In 1939, Thanksgiving was celebrated on the third Thursday in November.
What city is home to the oldest Thanksgiving parade?
How many calories do Americans usually consume at Thanksgiving?
The average number of calories consumed on Thanksgiving is 4,500.
Were there Indians more than Piligrims at the first Thanksgiving?
The first harvest festival included 50 Pilgrims, 90 Wampanoag Indians
Was Turkey at the first Thanksgiving?
Turkey wasn’t on the menu at the first Thanksgiving. Venison, duck, goose, oysters, lobster, eel, and fish were likely served, alongside pumpkins.
Were there any women on the first Thanksgiving dinner?
It is believed by historians that only five women were present on the the first Thanksgiving dinner.
How long was the first Thanksgiving?
3 days