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Cell Organelles

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this a plant cell or an animal cell?
Is this a plant cell or an animal cell?
animal cell
What organelle is represented by number 10?
What organelle is represented by number 5?
rough endoplasmic reticulum
What organelle is represented by number 9?
What organelle is represented by number 1?
What three organelles do plant cells have that animal cells do not?
chloroplasts, cell wall, large central vacuole
What types of cells are trees made out of: plant or animal?
What type of cells are dogs made of: plant or animal?
What organelle controls all of the cell's activities and stores the DNA?
Describe cytoplasm.
the "stuff" in the cell that holds the organelles.
Which organelle stores nutrients, water, and/or waste?
Are chloroplasts found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?
plant cells
What do chloroplasts do for plant cells?
What organelle is the powerhouse of the cell?
What does the golgi apparatus do?
package proteins and distribute them where they need to go.
Where can ribosomes found?
attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum and throughout the cell
What controls what substances go into or out of the cell?
cell membrane
What does a cell wall do?
provide structure and protection
When looking at cells in a microscope, what is one way to tell if you are looking at a plant cell or an animal cell?
cell wall, rectangular shape, large central vacuole
Plant and animal cells have many similarities in structure and function, however plant cells have three organelles that animal cells do not. What process do plant cells do that animal cells do not that one of these organelles makes happen?
photosynthesis- chloroplasts