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Lesson 2 Science Test

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A basket of laundry
Is generally used to separate small solid particles that have been suspended in liquid or air.
Mechanical devices that spin at incredibly high speeds and allow fine particles to settle in a matter of seconds.
What separates liquids by boiling mixtures?
A ___________ is the liquid in which a solute is dissolved
A ____________ is dissolved by a solvent
What does is mean if a solution is concentrated?
If a solution is concentrated it means it has the right amount or a higher amount of a solute.
What does it mean if a solution is diluted?
It means that the solution has a low amount of solute
What is saturation?
The point at which no more solute can be dissolved.
Which of the following processes uses a mesh screen to separate suspended mixtures?
Which profession studies the properties and applications of materials
Material Scientists
What is an example of conductivity?
An electrical cord
What describes conductivity?
How materials allow the flow of heat or light.
What is the meaning of deformation?
The deforming of a material due to force applied or temperature.
Give me an example of a malleable material. I showed this in class.
A paper clip
What is a malleable material?
Material that can bend without cracking or breaking.
Give me an example of adhesion.
Glue or tape
What is adhesion?
The mutual attraction of unlike particles that causes them to stick together.
What are the three main processes in which mixtures are separated?
Filtration, distillation, and centrifuge
What do we call objects that are made from matter?
A _______________ is dissolved by a solvent
Give me an example of a heterogeneous mixture
Pizza, salad, sand and water, cereal and milk, etc
Give me an example of a homogeneous mixture
Salt and water, lemonade, food coloring and water, etc.
What is a homogeneous mixture?
Invisible; not easily separated
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
Visible; easily separated
Which of the following best describes a physical mixture?
A combination made from different materials that can easily and when two substances are combined, but are not chemically bonded